View all studies | Men's Health

Research Studies for Men

Low Testosterone (ages 18 to 65):

Symptoms of low testosterone may include the following:

  • Reduced sex drive
  • Reduced erectile function
  • Loss of body hair
  • Less beard growth
  • Loss of lean muscle mass
  • Fatigue
  • Obesity
  • Symptoms of depression

Enrolling/Upcoming Vaccine Studies (ages 18 and older):

  • Influenza Vaccine 
  • Avian Flu Vaccine
  • Covid Oral Vaccine 
  • Herpes vaccine (Wilmington and Raleigh only) 

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition that is currently affecting about 30 million Americans. In most cases, type 2 diabetes leads to, or is accompanied by, high cholesterol and heart diseases. Despite available treatments, there is a significant need for options that achieve acceptable blood sugar control and lowers cholesterol levels. 


Learn about clinical research opportunities available for people living with obesity. For further information and to discuss your eligibility with our team, please complete our online form to register your interest.

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When you register your interest with Accellacare, our clinical research specialists will review your information at no cost and connect you with studies you may be eligible for. When we find a match, Accellacare may contact you for further pre-screening or we may share your information with a local site office for them to contact you directly. Your data will be processed as outlined in the Accellacare Privacy Notice.

Data Protection

As the data controller for the, Accellacare is committed to protecting the information that you provide. Where you give us your consent, we may use your information to: (a) identify appropriate clinical trials for you and to let you know about them; and/or (b) send you invitations to participate in future study opportunities. You can withdraw your consent at any time, but we may continue some limited processing where we have other legal grounds for doing so.

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Please note: You may or may not benefit medically from taking part and you are able to opt out at anytime and do not have to give us a reason for doing so. Your primary care physician will be informed about your participation and all medical assessments that will be carried out as part of the study. If during screening any abnormal results are found your primary care physician will also be informed.